Test Name: Stool for ova, amoeba & cyst test.
Hello everyone. Hope you guys are coping well. I have observed this test done at the Routine Section. The ova and parasites test is performed to identify intestinal parasites and their eggs, which are called ova, or cysts in patients with symptoms of gastrointestinal infection. Patients may have no symptoms or may not even experience diarrhea, blod in the sool, and other gastrointestinal distress. Identification of a particular parasite indicates the cause of the patient's disease and determines the medication needed to treat it.
Saline wet mount would be the best for detection of helminth eggs and larvae and it is especially good for motile protozoan cysts, which appear refractile. When cysts have been found in saline mount, they should be observed in Lugol iodine stained preparation which will reveal nuclear structure and te presence of glycogen. The nuclei stain a brownish colour and can be easily stained. For an accurate diagnosis, a concentrated method is advised so as to increase the probability of finding the parasites in faecal samples.
Para-pak spin con is a commercial kit for fecal parasite concentration of eggs, larva and protozoa. The picture below is para-pak spin con.

Picture taken from http://www.mdeur.com/products/972200.htm
Feces should be collected directly into a clean container. It must not be contaminated with urine, water, or other materials.
-10% buffered solution
-Lugol Iodine Solution
1. Stool(0.5g) was emusified with 10ml of saline in a plastic tube
2. 4 drops of CON-Trate Reagent A which helps to enhance the breakdown of fecal aggregrates and mucus therefore freeing parasites.
3. Plastic tube was capped and contents were mixed thoroughly.
4. The mixture were then filtered using the para-pak filter into the centrifuge tubes provided.
5. The filtered mixture were span at 2000rpm for 10 minutes.
6. The supernatant were removed.
7. And the sediment were resuspended.
8. Wet mount were performed on the sediment.
9. Then slide were examined microscopically for parasite.
The senior medical technologies will be observing the slide. Presence of bacteria and other microorganism in the stool would indicate patient is normal, thus no ova, amoeba or cyst seen. Presence of ova, amoeba or cyst would indicate an abnormal result. In addition is a sign of parasitic infestation.
Hi Dyana,
You mentioned that saline wet mount is the best detection method to identify helminth eggs and larvae. Other than this method is there other methods?
Sharon Tg01
I am leslie (:
Hi Dyana,
This identification method is only for the ova, cyst and eggs of the microorganism? What if you all found this microbs, what do you all do? Will you all report it?
Anyway, I read all these slides also! But my wet mount is used to identify motile microbes like Trichomonas. Do you do that?
And, why the use of iodine? Is there any other method for identification?
Not a question, just clarification of things:
Hi Dyana,
There's one thing that I don't understand. You mentioned that para-pak spin con is used for fecal parasite concentration, but I can't find the usage of it in your procedure? Or is it not used?
Nothing else to ask, just that I am only a little confuse over your materials used in your procedure.
Many thanks
Quan Jun
Group 08
hello! what happens if the stool is contaminated by urine/water? is there a way to remove it? and being contaminated, how will it affect the actual results?
'Patients may have no symptoms or may not even experience diarrhea, blod in the sool, and other gastrointestinal distress.'
Sounds like a problem pretty hard to detect. What are the symtoms that might suggest the presence of ova in the patients?
'.. motile protozoan cysts, which appear refractile" - is refractile
indicate refraction? How does it affect aid in detection of protozoan cysts?
Thank youXD
Tan Zhao Rong
From Ivan
Why saline wet mount is the best method to perform the procedure? and also what u or the company's med tech will do when the patients sample has the presence of ova, amoeba or cyst?
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