Retrieved from: www.pharmacy-and-drugs.com
TSA with Sheep Blood Agar
Retrieved from: www.madsci.org
MacConkey Agar
Retrieved from: www.madsci.org
The urine specimen need to be processed immediately as if prolong, the results may not be accurate. The urine is mixed well before inoculating it onto agar plate. 1ml calibrated disposable loop is used and the loop will be immersed into the urine specimen bottle. The sample will be inoculated onto Blood agar plate first and then MacConkey agar plate by making a straight vertical line down the centre of plate and will be followed by series of close perpendicular streaks through the original line. The plates will then be incubated at 35°C aerobically overnight. At the same time, microscopy cell count of the fresh urine specimen has to be done. The urine sample will be transferred to the notch on the slide chamber of KOVA GLASSTIC SLIDE 10 with grids. The urine sample will be transferred by using the capillary tube and the urine sample will be drawn into the chamber resulting in a homogenous suspension of sediment. The cells to be counted are epithelial cells, white blood cells and red blood cells. When there are a lot of white blood cells (eg. >100 cells) that are counted; this can indicate that the patient may be having urinary tract infection.
Retrieved from: http://www.cenmed.com/productDetail.asp?productid=17291&catID=&category=5617&mainCat=&cat=5305
After office hours or during weekends/public holidays or even there is a delay in transporting urine specimen, the dipslide will be used. The dipslide has three types of media which are Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) agar, MacConkey agar and E.coli agar. CLED agar is a valuable non-inhibitory growth medium used in the isolation and differentiation of urinary organisms. Being electrolyte deficient, it prevents the swarming of Proteus species. Lactose fermenters produce yellow colonies on CLED agar; non-lactose fermenters appear blue. It has a pH of approximately 7.3. The staff nurse will dip the dipslide into the container containing patient’s urine and then seal the dipslide into the bottle. The staff in the laboratory will help to incubate overnight. One disadvantage of using this method is that there will be no urine microscopy cell count.
Uricult Trio Dip Slide
Retrieved from: http://www.oriondiagnostica.com/files/odextra/Clinical%20Microbiology%20brochure/782-03GB_Uricult.pdf
The cultures and dipslides which are made on the previous day will be read on the next day. Usually when there is a mixed growth of bateria (different types of organisms growing), it is considered insignificant and will be recorded as negative. However, when there is predominant growth of only one type of bacteria, it is considered as significant and will be recorded as positive. Enterobacteriaceae species can be identified easily by seeing the morphology of the colonies and to confirm the species, indole test can be done. For example, when E.coli is suspected to grow, indole test is done on the spot to confirm. A small filter paper is used and a drop of indole is placed on the filter paper. Then, the filter paper is rubbed against one of the colonies. When the filter paper turns blue, it indicates positive and it is proven that it is an E.coli. Then the culture will be sent for further test which is sensitivity testing. However, when there is a doubt on the identity of the organism, the organism will sent for identification and sensitivity test.
Hi Hardina
What's the purpose of inoculating the sample onto the blood agar first and followed by MacConkey agar?
What is the colour of E. coli in E. coli agar? Will non E. coli be detected in E. coli agar?
Hello Hardina!
I have a question.
Why must you use KOVA GLASSTIC SLIDE 10? Why not use a normal glass slide?
Li Ping
TG 02
hey dina,
may i know what are some advantages and disadvantages using mac conkey and TSA?
liyanah zaffre
Hi Hardina,
I have some questions for you,
1)What is the mechanism by which E.coli, Kleibsiella pneunomiae, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause urinary tract infection?
2)What are some examples of fastidious organisms?
3)Which substance of the MacConkey agar accounts for the pink colour of the agar?
Han Yang
Hi Hardina,
I have some questions for you,
1) You mentioned that 'mixed growth of baceria is insignificant and recorded as 'negative'. So may i ask you what if there are 2 or more different types of bacteria that are responsible for causing the UTI and are present in equal numbers, can you explain whether they are still significant?
2) Can you state the name of the pH indicator used in CLED gar?
3) Why is there not a need to perform urine microscopy when using CLED Agar?
4) Is urine microscopy count a confirmatory test?
From: Benjamin Ma
Class: tg01
hey there,
is there a specific amount of urine required to load into the kova?
how do you differentiate the 3 types of cells under the microscope?
Siti Nurfatin
Why the results may not be accurate if the urine specimen is not processed immediately?
Andika Putra
Hi Hardina,
Can I know why is TSA useful for cultivation of a wide range of fastidous microorganisms?
Thanks. =)
Hi Hardina
For the "mixed growth of baceria is insignificant and recorded as 'negative'" ....so the mixed growth ia due to contamination issit? is there possibility that one of the growth is source of UTI?
Xin Ni
Group 9
hi hardina.
may i know what is the sensitivity testing you are talking about when you mentioned " Then the culture will be sent for further test which is sensitivity testing." ?
happy ramadan!
Hi Lee Jin
All organisms can grow on blood agar. We inoculate blood agar first because we want whatever organisms present in urine to grow. If inoculate on MacConkey agar first, certain organisms may not grow on it as it is selective and that particular organisms may not be present in urine for the 2nd inoculation.
The colour of E.coli colonies on E.coli agar is black. Other organisms besides E.coli can grow on that agar and it will appear clear and translucent. However, we do not know which organism is that. It just shows a growth which is not an E.coli.
Hardina =)
Hi Li Ping
KOVA GLASSTIC SLIDE 10 is used because it has square grids on it which aids in the counting of cells.
Hardina =)
Hi Liyanah
TSA: adv- all organisms can grow on it
disadv- can't differentiate E.coli from other organisms (able to differentiate E.coli from MacConkey)
MacConkey: adv- can differentiate lactose & non-lactose fermenters
disadv- can't differentiate S.aureus and SCN (Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus) (Can differentiate from TSA)
Hardina =)
Hi Han Yang
You have difficult qns..haha
1. I research on it and it seems long to write. So i will give u the website and hope it is relevant. http://textbookofbacteriology.net/e.coli.html & http://www.kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/Website/lectures/lecture/uti.htm
2. Eg. Streptococci, genera Nesseria, Brucella, Corynebacterium, Vibrio etc.
3. I think the neutral red dye accounts for the pink colour of the agar.
Hardina =)
Hi Ben
1. It all depends on the WBC count. It can be considered significant when WBC count is >200. Further tests such as identification and sensitivity test will be done on each organisms that are found on the plate.
2. pH indicator is Bromthymol blue.
3. CLED agar is present on the dipslide and dipslide is only used after office hours. It is not used to collect urine. Just dip the slide into urine. No medtech on duty after office hours to do microscopy. If you are wondering why not collect urine and do microscopy on the next day, it is not possible as it is inaccurate. Microscopy has to be done within 2 hours as after 2 hours, the cells will disintegrate and leads to inaccuracy results.
4. Urine microscopy is a preliminary test. It is to see how much WBc present in urine. From the count, we can predict whether there's an infection.
Hardina =)
Hi Fatin
There's no specific amount of urine required to load into the KOVA. Usually, we use the glass capillary tube and add until the urine fils up the whole surface. The amount present is estimated to be 10uL.
WBC- granulated cells, uneven/rough surface
RBC- round and there's an inner circle on the cell but may be faint
Epithelial cells- there are squamous cells and they are large and flat with prominent nucleus
Hardina =)
Hi Andika
It may not be accurate as more organisms shall grow in the urine in vitro. The cells present in the urine will disintegrate and the microcopy count will not be accurate.
Hardina =)
Hi Lyn
It is useful as it contains the nutrients and growth factor that helps in the growth of these organisms.
Hardina =)
Hi Xin Ni
The mixed growth is not due to the contamination. It can be the normal flora from the body. It is a possibility that one of them may be the source but it must be the predominant one. (May refer to my reply to Ben)
Hardina =)
Hi Elyana
Sensitivity test is a test to see whether the organism is sensitive or resistant to certain antibiotics. When it is sensitive to some antibiotics, that antibiotics can help to treat the infection.
Hardina =)
i realise that bacterias such as E.coli / staphy aureus are also present in our body, how is it that they are able to cause UTI in some people?
And can you explain more about the Uricult Trio Dip? cause i believe we don't use it in my workplace.. i think. haha.
Hi Debbie
An infection occurs when tiny organisms, usually bacteria from the digestive tract, cling to the opening of the urethra and begin to multiply. http://knol.google.com/k/anthony-schaeffer/urinary-tract-infection-in-women/otMT1ixg/VisDGA#
The website I've given has more info on the causes of infection. It's got to do with bacterial virulence factor and host susceptibility.
The Uricult Trio Dipslide is a so-called "mini-culture". It is bottle and the cap has a slide attached to it. The slide (around 8cm in length) contains 3 types of miniature size media (CLED agar, MacConkey agar and E.coli agar). After collecting the urine in a conatiner, dip the slide into the urine and cap it. Do not collect urine in the dipslide bottle. Then we will incubate the slide and we can read the results the next day.
Hope u understand.
Hardina =)
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