well it has been 5 weeks since we started our SIP..how time flies..
for the past 5 weeks, i was posted to Microbiology department as well as Haematology, micro being my longest stay for 3 1/2 weeks..
so im going to focus on micro for this entry..
the micro department here is pretty much on its own. it has a place by itself unlike the rest of the department. it is always these same people that will be runnig the tests for the patient. they are like our specialist team. unlike the rest of the department, micro is manually run. they are not automated except for blood culture where we use a machine called BATEC. i will talk about it more as in the later part. basically, there are three sections in micro- processing, reading for urine culture and reading for miscellaneous culture.
in micro, we process the order entry on our own. before entering the patient's demographic information, we will make sure that the name on the request form matches the one labeled on the specimen. then we will enter into the LISS. after which we will do the requested tests. there are many tests that is performed by the medical technologist. hence i will only mentioned a few test here( if i mentioned every single test, i believe you people will get bored reading it). so one of the test is urine culture. urine culture require two agar plates- TSA blood and Cled. we divide the TSA plate into 4 and the Cled into 2. the streaking for the urine test is as follows:

the next test is MRSA. for MRSA, we only use one plate which is mannitol. we divide the plate into three and the streaking is a follow:

we also do wound culture. wound culture requires 4 plates- TSA blood, Scandler blood, MacConkey and PEA. the streaking is the same as on mannitol.
apart from the test that requires culturing of specimen, here in micro we also performed test using kits. one of the test that uses kit is the test for S.pneumonia and Legionella in urine specimen. the test is very simple to performed.
1) we use the cotton bud and dip into the urine sample.
2)we place the cotton bud in the kit test.
3)we place three drops of reagent into the hole provided, two drops for Legionella (different reagent for different test)
4)we leave it for 15 mins before reading the kit
5)if only the control line appears, it is negative, we both the control line and the positive line appears means its positive
the next test kit is for the detection of Clostridium difficile toxin A and B.
the test is not that easy as compared to the test earlier. basically there are 4 reagent use in this test- dilute, conjugate, wash buffer and substrate.
1)first we put 500ul of dilute and 1 drop of conjugate into a test tube.
2)then we take about 5mg of stool and mix it with the two reagent. ( there must be no clump of stool presence in the mixture)
3) pipette about 1ml of the mixture into the test kit(the small hole) and wait for 10 minutes
4) when 15 mins is up, pipette 300ul of wash buffer into the kit (the big hole) as well as 2 drops of substrate
5)leave it for 10 mins before reading the result
6) the interpretation of the result is the same as the test mentioned earlier.
*i know pictures will help. but i cant find one on the net that resemble the test kit that i mentioned. i will try to get the pics and post it here ASAP. ok..sorry
as promise, i will now talk about the blood culture process. the blood will come in 'blood bottles',
one has a blue cap and the other is gold cap. it is recommended to send the blood in both bottles. if only one bottle is sent, we can still run the test. so after entering the information into LISS, we will incubate the 'blood bottles' in Batec. Batec is a specialized machine for blood cultures. we have to incubate the 'blood bottles' for 5 days. no bacteria grow after 5 days will indicate a negative results. for positive blood, it will shows the results anytime between the 5 days. if the blood is positive, we will then have to culture them on the appropriate agar plates.

all the cultures process will have to be incubated overnight. reading will only be done the next day.
reading of the plates includes identifying the bacteria that is present. plates where colonies are seen (more than 20 colonies) will have to be followed up with various test for identification purpose.
example of the tests are catalyse,oxidase,staph-plus,indole and many more.
each test have its own specificity for identifying the bacteria.
i juz switched lab from micro to cytogenetics:D
Juz curious, what other organisms do u all test in urine using test kits?
Hi Sutiana
Would like to ask..
1. Why mannitol plate is used to test for MRSA and what’s the purpose of using the 4 reagents to detect Clostridium difficile?
2. Why both the TSA blood and Scandler blood plates are used for wound cultures? What’s the difference between the two plates?
3. Do you do microscopy examination for the positive blood bottles?
hey sutiana, 2 questions.
-why must it come with two bottles, the gold and the blue capped ones?
-why is it rejected when only one bottle is given?
Siti Nurfatin
Hi Sutiana,
Could you share how each component dilute, conjugate, wash buffer and substrate works in the test to give a positive and negetive result? (what's the priciple of the test)
Also, does the Batec machine provide special conditions for the blood cultures?
Thanks =) Hope u're enjoying ur attachment.
Jean Leong
hey Sutiana!
Hey i've been attached to micro for 3 days before... but only saw blue, gold and white bottle... not the pink one! can i ask what is the pink bottle and whats the purpose?
Anw to confirm the blue-capped bottle is to grow aerobic cultures while the gold one is to grow anerobic cultures right?
Many thanks!
Hui Min =)
Hey NanA!!
Why is the streaking for the CLED plates different form the TSA blood agar?
After processing and culturing of the specimens, where do they go to?
Are the plates incubated? In what conditions?
yes! time does fly...
my questions for you:
during the 15 minutes incubation for the urine test, do you need to place it at 37C or just at room temperature?
where do you keep the agar after incubating? and how long before you get to see and determine results
hello people..
im so sorry for the late reply..was very busy these past days..
so niwae, lets start...
to neela:
here, we only test for the two organism that i have mentioned using test kits for urine.
to lee jin:
1)mannitol plate is used becoz MRSA ferment mannitol. but the better plate to use for MRSA dectection would be the MRSA plate,where MRSA will produce mauve colonies. the purpose of the 4 reagents is to help in detecting the organism in patient fecal specimen.
2)TSA is a nutrient plate. almost all bacteria can grow on TSA plate. Scandler is a nutrient plate as well but it is for anaerobic condition. the purpose of using both plate is to analyse the different type of colonies.
3)yes, we do..
to fatin:
1)there was a mistake in my entry..
actually, it is recommended to come in two bottles-the blue one being the aerobic and the gold one being the anaerobic. this is easier for identifying purpose where selective conditions are used.
2)and also another mistake..we do not reject if only one bottle is given. we will still do the test..but this situation is rare
to jean:
1) the test uses antibodies specific for toxin A and B of Clostridium difficile. the device contain immobilized antibodies at reaction window(the big hole).the test line contains antibodies against Clostridium toxins A and B. the control line contains anti-IgG antibodies. the diluent is a buffered protein solution which is use to dilute the fecal specimen. the conjugate consist of antibodies to toxin A and B coupled to horseradish peroxidase. the wash buffer which a buffered solution is use to wash the sample-conjugate mixture after the incubation period. the substrate containg terametybenzidine is to develop the test to give the positive or negative result.
2)at a pH of 7.2 +/- 0.2
to hui min:
1)the picture that was uploaded was just a medium to show you what does blood bottles look like. here, we do dot use the pink bottles. therefore i have no ans to your question. so sorry...
to amir:
1) it is the same style of streaking. the only different is on Cled plate we use 1/2 of the space but for TSA, its 1/4.
2)the plates will be incubated overnight. or at atleast for 18 hours. we have two incubators. one with CO2 condition while the other, is under normal condition.
to rusy:
room temperature will do.
to yuxuan:
the plates will be taken out from the incubators and left at room temperature for reading. the reading can take place immediately after the incubation process. after reading is done, the plates will have to be autoclave before disposal
Hi Sutiana,
1)Why do you divide the TSA plate into 4 and the Cled plate into 2?
2)What are some difficulties you have faced when performing urine culture and how do you go about solving them?
Han Yang
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