Architect system analyser (ci8200)

The modular design of the ARCHITECT family of analysers allow multiple processing modules which perform all sample processing activities, to be physically joined to form a single workstation or system. These ARCHITECT systems can be configured to process sample using potentiometric and photometric methoeds and/or chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) methods.
The ARCHITECT ci8200 analyser is composed of two modules, which is c8000 and i2000. C8000 module is using the potentiometric and photometric methos while the i2000 module uses CMIA method.
Here are the majority tests carried out the ARCHITECT analyser and their reference range:
1. Free Thyroxine (FT4) 10.0-20.0pmol/L
2. Total Triidothyroninn (Total T3) 1.2-2.3 nmol/L
3. Anti-TPO <5.6IU/ml
4. Anti-Tg <4.11u/ml
5. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) 1.0-10.0ug/L
6. Carcinoembroynic Antigen (CEA) 0.0-5.0ug/L
7. Vitamin B12 (B12) 132-835 pmol/L
8. Folate (FA) 7.40nmol/L
9. Ferritin 30-323ug/L M (0-30Y) 32-294ug/L M (31Y & Above) 7.6-179ug/L F (premenopausal) 182-339ug/L F (postmenopausal)
10. Syphilis non-reactive
11. HBsAg non reactive
12. HbeAg non-reactive
13. Anti-HCV non-reactive
14. Anti-HAV IgM non-reactive
15. HAV AB non-reactive
16. Anti-HBs non-reactive
17. HIV Ag/Ab Combo non-reactive
18. Kappa light chains 1.40-3.8g/L
19. Lambda light chains 0.90-2.50g/L
20. Immunoglobulin A 0.8-4.0g/L
21. Immunoglobulin G 5.0-15.0g/L
22. Immunoglobulin M 0.3-3.0g/L
23. Rheumatoid Factor <20.0 IU/L
24. Transferrin 1.74-3.64g/L Spectrophotometric method
25. Iron F 11.27 umol M 11.29umol/L
The analyser uses these three methods to measure the concentration of analytes in sample.
1. Photometry method
Phtometry method uses
-End point assay are reactions that reach an equilibrium and at that time there is little or no further change to the absorbance readings. During this equilibrium time, the system measures the absorbance readings used for calibration and calculating results.
-Rate assay are reactions that measure the constant change in absorbance over time. The system performs readings several times during this reaction, calculates absorbance change (activity), and then uses the readings to calculate results.
2. Potentiometry (measures electrical potential in sample)
-The c8000 modules uses an ICT (integrated chip technology) modules to measure potentiometric assay (eleytrolytes). ICT methodology uses the solid state ion-selective electrodes contained in a single chip that reduces the maintenance require to perform electrolytes measurements.
3. Chemiluminescent technology
-During sample processing, microparticles (paramagnetic microparticles coated with capture molecules) are mixed with the sample binds to the corresponding capture molecules on the microparticles, forming the immune complex.
-After incubation, a magnet attracts the paramagnetic microparticles (bound to the surface analyte) to a wall of the reaction vessel. The reaction mixture is washed to remove unbound materials, further processing can now take place.
-Detection of ther eaction mixture in the reaction vessel is accomplished with a chemiluminescent acridinium-labeled conjugate. The conjugate binds to the immune complex to complete the reaction mixture.
-After incubation, the reaction micture is washed to remove unbound material. The pre-trigger solution is added and a background read is taken.
-Pre-trigger performs the following functions: - Create an acidic anvironment to prevent early release of the energy(light emission). Helps to keep microparticles from clumping. - Splits acridinium dye off the conjugate bound to the microparticle complex. This prepares the acridinium dye for the nest step.
- The system then adds Trigger solution to the reaction mixture. The acridinium alkaline solution. This causes the chemiluminescent reaction to occur. N-methylacridne is formed and releases energy (light emission) as it returns to its ground state. The CMIA optical assembly measures the chemiluminescent emissin (activated red) over a predefined time perioed to quantitate the analyte concentration or to determine qualitative interpretations for index cut-off assay.
-Human serum (including serum collected in serum separator tubes) or plasma collected in sodium heparin, lithium heparin separator tubes, or potassium EDTA anticoagulant tubes may be used. Other anticoagulants have nor been validated for use with ARCHITECT.
1. Specimen are spun via the centrifuge for 5minutes.
2. The cap of the specimen tube is removed.
3. Specimen placed on the ARCHITECT rack.
4. Rack loaded into the ARCHITECT.
5. Test are run.
So that's all for my last posting.
Thanks for reading.
hi dyana =D i would like to ask u a qn.
i would like to know what is lithium heparin separator tubes used for and when is it used?
thank you =D
Hi dyana
i would like to ask in what situations is all the methods for measuring the concentration of analytes used? what situation use which method?
Xin Ni
Hello Dy
Does your Lab use the machine to do all the tests that you have listed?
What is the maximum number of samples this machine can test in one run?
Hi dyana,
You keep mentioning about the word modules. Can you clarify what exactly do you mean by module?
Xin Yi
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