Name of Test: VDRL
Hello guys! Hope all of you are enjoying your SIP =)
For the first three days, I was attached to the Microbiology lab. I will be sharing with you about VDRL test which I was allowed to perform on urgent and routine specimens over the three days.
Test: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
- VDRL is a screening test for syphilis which is a Sexually-Transmitted Disease.
- Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum which is from the spirochetes group which consists of the spiral and motile bacteria.
- Reagin antibodies are produced when one is infected with syphilis. Reagin antibody is a mixture of IgM and IgG antibodies.
- This test uses nontreponemal antigens which are extracted from normal mammalian tissues. Lecithin and cholesterol are usually added to enhance the reaction.
- The reagent contains carbon particle cardiolipin antigens (extracted from beef heart) which will bind to the reagin antibodies causing visible clumping.
1. Cards with 10 circles measuring 18mm

Retrieved June 29,2008, from
2. Plastic dispensing tubes (Dispenstirs)

Retrieved June 29, 2008, from
3. Reagent
4. Patient's Serum
5. Rotator

Retrieved June 29, 2008, from
1. Using the dispensing tubes, dispense 1 drop of patient's serum onto the one of the 18mm circles. Since there are 10 such circles on one card, the test can be done on 10 patients' serum at one go.
2. Spread the patient's serum using the flat part of the tubes as shown in the picture, making sure the serum does not flow out of the circle.
3. Dispense 1 free falling drop of reagent onto the serum.
4. Bend the card downwards using both of your hands to prevent the serum from entering into another circle when the card is being rotated.
5. Place the card on the rotator which rotates at 100 rpm for 8 minutes.
6. Read the results macroscopically by rotating and tilting the card 3-4 times in a to-and-fro motions

Retrieved 29 June, 2008 from
Upper left circle: results are reported as non-reactive as there is no clumping
Upper and lower right circles: results are reported as reactive as there is visible clumping
- Once, when the supervisor was performing the test, he got a reactive specimen. After which, he did serial dilution to determine the antibody titre.
- Both positive and negative control must be carried out using the control solutions which are available with the kit. This is to confirm that the reagent is working.
2. Geo. F. Brooks., Karen C. Carroll., Janet S. Butel., & Stephen A. Morse. (2007). Medical Microbiology. USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.
Name: Nur Farhana Binte Ramlan
Admin No: 0604834B